Wednesday 17 October 2012

La Yenka!

Of Hooting Yard/Boot Sale Sounds reader will be, however, newly alarmed for the earnest dance crazy of the Franciscan Poverty much like sweeping perhaps the blog-o-sphere.
Yes! La Yenka it really is!


Le Sanglier said...

I totally don't understand the words you wrote with this post -- BUT -- the dance speaks for itself. That is a GREAT dance. I forgot to dance for my first 54 years, so I am making up for that now. It annoys young people when I dance -- which is a good thing becuase they tend to go away when annoyed, and that leaves me in peace with my own thoughts, free to dance however/whenever/why-ever I choose, without useless harmful judgment-rays radiating through my dance-o-sphere.

OutaSpaceMan said...

Words marking possibilities have you must.
La Yenka is of enormous juggernaut being in proportion...

I could go on, but instead recommend a quick visit to either the Hooting Yard or Boot Sale Sounds posts.

Le Sanglier said...

Back from Boot Sale Sounds... OH!!! La Yenka! Now I see how it is a Franciscan poverty arise to the dance and in a most jumping athletic way!