Tuesday, 28 February 2012

That Time of Year Again.

It's the time of year when our little pond in the garden becomes a scene of seething Lovecraftian horror:
There are at least 3 frogs in the pond but, no matter how silently I creep toward them, they always manage to hide themselves away in a writhing tangle of legs, flippers and bulging eyeballs before I can get a clear photo of them.

Crocuses and daffodils are starting to flower and the honeysuckle has started to sprout leaves.
So much for all the doom-mongers who constantly tell me the world is going to rack and ruin in a hand-cart.

(Miserable bastards.)


Oldfool said...

I'm going to rack and ruin in my garden such as it is.

The frogs have not started here yet but when they do it is deafening. SWMBO interprets them when they sing such as "Oh my what delectable thighs you have my dear. Won't you come over here and let me see them closer"
"oh no I couldn't, well maybe, yes that would be fun but only for a little while".

Sounds just like people. I don't know where she picked up Frogspeak.