The sky was filled with stars and the moon was a silver thumb-nail.
There were only two things wrong:
01) I didn't have my ukulele with me.
02) Even if I had my ukulele with me I wouldn't have been able to play it and film at the same time.
Into every life a little rain must fall.
That must have felt great. What could better than to pedal along, in balance no hands!!, free!!, with camera vision enhancing your visual interpretation of the world, and NightStarsMoon tweaking your heart strings? How come you bike at night and have casual employment in a Modern Cloak Room? I read the post where you explained your need for cash, but why is that? Questions. Quest. How is "question" related to "quest?" I will take that question up at a later time. I have been wondering how your Modern Cloak Room Attending has been going with your current health situation. How is the Hobart light doing?
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