Monday 20 June 2011

"Wonderful World" (Adler/Alpert/Cooke) Performed by OSM on the Baritone Uke for Linda's Birthday

By way of a bit of light relief from all things BigMetalTower I've recorded a song for Linda's birthday tomorrow.
(but, shhhhh..... don't say anything 'cos we're not mentioning this particular birthday.)

 Wonderful World by Outa_Spaceman 


Jane said...

happy birthday to lovely linda (however unmentionable the number of cake candles).
girl on wire

Anonymous said...

Great! It's now my favorite version of that song.

Previous champ was a David Bromberg rendition that listed even more stuff he didn't know, like psychonuclear physionominy ...

Ivy Arch said...

Super! Happy birthday to Linda for tomorrow!

OutaSpaceMan said...

I am, as I type, helping Linda eat her way through the many, many, donations of chocolate that are so important as such a trying time.

BTW Can you tell Harriet that a version of 'Wonderful World' needs including in the song book?