This piece started a very, very long time ago...
I bought an articulated wooden figure with the idea of using it in a stop-frame animation that I haven't got round to making yet...
The figure was packaged in a plastic 'bubble' which, for no apparent reason, I filled with plaster...
I sprayed the resulting figure gold and put it in our garden...
A year later I found the figure in the undergrowth in the condition seen here and decided to put it in a suitable display case...
My first attempt at mounting it was a bit of a disaster...
I cut the sticky back green felt stuff to fit the box exactly, with no over-laps, it then promptly shrank to leave visible gaps all round it...
Today I took the piece down from where it hangs in my lab and had another go at doing it some justice...
I stained the box with a tea/iron acetate mixture and lined the sides with a green and gold patterned wall-paper then fitted a back board covered in red 'velvet'...
When my skill level improves I'm going to make a frame to finish the whole thing off then it's destined to hang in my shed...
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