Friday 6 January 2012

Some Of My Best Friends Are Plants.

13ish weeks ago I posted about two of my close friends:
My Friends and Me (Updated)

The Hyacinth was put into darkness for what should have been 10 weeks but I forgot where I put it.
Much to my relief, I found it again today and it now looks like this:
It's put on an amazing amount of root growth and has begun to sprout leaves.
I find this all tremendously exciting.
Of course, under normal circumstances, my hyacinth would be one of the first signs of life renewing it's self in these dark winter days but, up to typing, this winter's been so mild it's not the only thing growing.
Out in the garden our banana plant is still going strong, the nasturtiums are still rambling around in an alarmingly vigorous way and at least one marigold still has flowers on it.

So, where's Jack Frost got himself to?

The cyclamen?
Ungrateful b-tard died.