Thursday, 19 January 2012

Carpet Cleaning As Spectator Sport.

The more cynical may have sneered at my suggestion that a picture of a carpet-cleaning machine was as entertaining as a film of the madcap antics of Suicide Pheasants.
Well, let me tell you, today put the cynical laughter in a pipe and smoked it!

I am called to Spice Paradise Tandoori.
To the SupremeClean mobile:
Once the tables had been removed from the restaurant area, small square areas of a vivid blue carpet are plainly visible.
I looked at the other bits, the bits the customers had been walking on.
I initially assumed it was actually tarmaced but no, that's punter tracks, 8 months worth of punter tracks.
I break out the EDIC Fivestar Carpet Cleaning Machine with attendant powders, potions and sprays.
I begin my complex preparation routine.

All the time this is happening I am watched intently by the entire staff of the establishment.
Every move I make is scrutinised.
Applying the pre-spray, pouring the solvent/water mixture from a bucket into the machine, adding the de-foamer, plugging the machine in and then cutting the first cleaning row.
The crowd closed in for a closer look.

I had to do the first row four times which involved re-filling the machine 3 times in 10 minutes.
(N.B. I can usually clean an average living room carpet on two re-fills.)

The job took 5 hours and the crowd never got bored once.
Helpfully, they even began to point out bits I'd missed along the way.
(Which turned out to be shadows cast by the table legs.)

On finishing, everybody seemed to agree that was the best carpet clean they'd ever seen.
Not that they'd seen one for a while of course.


saradwyn3 said...

oh it's all kinds of fun to watch other people cleaning : )

I had one of these when I cleaned at the university.
Self-propelled, push-button steering & had sufficient power to pull the operator behind it in a mop bucket!

OutaSpaceMan said...

You're talking to a man who used to drive an IPC scrubber-dryer around a holiday resort on a regular basis baby.

Check it out:

dany chandra said...

Great Blog!! That was amazing. Your thought processing is wonderful. The way you tell the thing is awesome. You are really a master....thanks