Sunday, 30 May 2010

Nosferatu Double Feature.

On browsing the Internet Archive last night I found a version of Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens.
Whilst watching it I was struck by the 'Count's' resemblance to Spike Milligan, especially in the early scenes when he's wearing a hat to disguise himself.
Then imagine my joy on finding out that BBC 2 is screening Werner Herzog's version of Nosferatu in the early hours of this morning.
I'm going to run the original on a portable T.V. stood next to our main T.V. and watch in 'stereo'.


Oldfool said...

Risky. Danger of brain scramble. Not noticeable in my case.

Marrock said...

Have you ever seen "Shadow of the Vampire"?

It's told from the standpoint that the actor called Max Shreck was actually a vampire.

It has John Malkovich as director F.W. Murnau and Willem Dafoe playing Max Schreck.

It's one of the very few vampire movies I can bear watching and I highly recommend it.

OutaSpaceMan said...

'Shadow of the Vampire' is on my must watch list.
It has a lot to recommend it.