Saturday, 3 April 2010

My Collection Of Words....

I'm well aware of the fact that I am somewhat delusional yet one delusion I've never allowed myself to succumb to is that I am a writer...
I don't read enough to be a writer and I don't have any particular ideas worth writing down that haven't already been written down in a more coherent fashion by people who can write...
Having said that, I've always had tatty pieces of paper in my pockets covered in hastily scribbled lines that I think may turn up in my song lyrics at some point...
When my pockets get full I transfer the legible lines into what ever note book I'm currently using...
I've done this for years and years and years...
I've added to, subtracted from, lost or destroyed in a fit of embarrassment reams of this stuff till all that are left are the most trite cringe inducing bits...
When I'm stuck on a song lyric I'll go to my notes, now handily transferred to my computer, try, and usually fail, to find something to break the impasse...
I was about to embark on one of my occasional editing sessions when I decided that I just couldn't be arsed to read through the collection again and set the 'speak text' facility on my computer to read it to me (in a female voice) while I got on with a bit of light housework...
Imagine my surprise when what came out of the speakers sounded, to me at least, like the profound utterances of a Deity or, more realistically, the nonsensical pseudo-mystic guff of a typical tabloid horoscope peddler...
One line I'm currently building a song around is:
"Sitting on her sofa listening to her dreary stream of consciousness, that she thought was poetry, I didn't have the nerve to tell her I was wondering what she looked like naked..."

I wrote that and, when I wrote that, it was true...