Thursday, 28 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 059

Bognor Regis.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Electric Ukulele Land.

For a good proportion of my life I have searched for a small, portable musical instrument set-up.
I think I might have found it at last.

I bought a Risa Electric Concert Ukulele (links to follow as I haven't found out how to do them on my iPad yet).
I plugged it into a Roland Micro-Cube amplifier.
I plugged a Soundmaster SR-88 Drum Machine into the aux input of the Micro-Cube.

The great thing about all this is I can fit the whole rig in a carrier bag!

On A Plate 2013: 058


Tuesday, 26 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 057


Monday, 25 February 2013

Lucky2 (written and performed by OutaSpaceMan)

BeHeld is all well and good, but every now and then a SpaceMan gotta' wig out baby!
I feel better now...

I really do...

On A Plate 2013: 056


Sunday, 24 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 055


Saturday, 23 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 054


Friday, 22 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 053


Thursday, 21 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 052

Bognor Regis.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 051


Tuesday, 19 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 050

Bognor Regis.

Monday, 18 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 049


Sunday, 17 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 048


Saturday, 16 February 2013

OrigamiSpaceMan: Butterfly, Angel Fish, Lily, Tulip, & Stem.

I've used Wahsi paper for some of these folds.
The Washsi paper I've got seems quite thick which makes some of the multiple folds quite difficult.

So, here they are:
Origami Butterfly
The Butterfly
Origami Fish
The Angel Fish
Origami Lily, Tulip and Stem.
Lily, Tulip, and Leaf with Stem.

Out of the recent crop I'd say the lily fold is by far the most fiddly but the results are quite pleasing.

On A Plate 2013: 047


34 images of things i found on the beach at felpham.

Friday, 15 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 046


The Condition: MRI Scan Results.

Letter to my G.P. relating to the results of my recent MRI Scan:

I am writing to let you know that I have received the report of this gentleman's MRI cervical spine.
The sagittal images did show a couple of patchy areas of signal alteration, although these were subtle and it was not sure whether these represented demyelination of were just an artefact.
There were also some mild musculoskeletal changes, as we would expect in a man of his age.

The chest x-ray was normal and did not show any evidence of sarcoidosis.

I did give the patient some blood test forms to have an extensive blood screen but unfortunately those do not seem to be available to me here. 

It is possible that he may have had them done with you and they were analysed in a lab different to ours.
If you have the results of his blood tests I would be grateful if you could forward them to both myself and Dr. H.

I have heard back from Dr. A that for disease modifying therapies for MS the patient would need to be seen by the MS team in S for assessment and initiation.
I will therefore refer the patient to see Dr. H in S.

Yours sincerely 

Must get around to having those blood tests done.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

BeHeld at the FUSE Festival.

BeHeld were invited to take part in the FUSE Weekend.
The FUSE Weekend was a Meeting of Unitarians from across the South East.
They all seem jolly nice people.

Beheld were involved in this workshop:
Acoustic Spirit
Led by
Stuart Coupe

The session will involve listening to and commenting on the recorded music and video performance of a number of contemporary, acoustic based singer songwriters whose music reflects Unitarian spirit and values. It may be of interest to those who enjoy thoughtful, acoustic guitar-based music and who may want to further explore work of the artists for use in personal or collective worship. I will sing a few songs myself and if anybody else would like to perform songs they have written themselves, they are welcome to get in touch beforehand to arrange this.

Anyway, we played our little hearts out for the amazingly full room.
This has to rank as the most civilised gig I've ever done and I could get used to it.

The lovely Unitarians chose to use a recording of a couple of songs from the session as a soundtrack to their video of the weekend.
There's even a couple of bits of film of BeHeld playing:

I was relived to find out Unitarians don't actually wear unitards.

OrigamiSpaceMan: First Attempt at the Lily Fold.

On A Plate 2013: 045 (Warning! Valentine's Day Goo Alert.)


Linda has a very strict morning face routine so I stuck the plate where I knew she'd see it.
On her mirror:

Job done, smiles all round:

Yes, of course I got a card.
Not sure who from though.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 044


Tuesday, 12 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 043


More Obsessional Origami.

I discovered that our memo pad is just the right size for making small orange crows:
Orange Crows In A Small Tree
I folded a water-bomb cube from my precious William Morris Print paper and sat an orange crow on it:

I'm now working on the leaf fold:

Monday, 11 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 042

Bognor Regis.

The Russian Song 'Dark Eyes' Interpreted By OutaSpaceMan On The Kazoo & Ukulele.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 041 (Updated with Movie)

OAP 041a
OAP 041b

OSM Audio/Visual Retrospective: 026) The Neck Of The Woods (Full Version).

The Murder In The Horse Mausoleum.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

On A Plate 2013: 040
