Friday, 25 May 2012

The Green Bicycle nee' 'The Dobson' (OSM Ind. Product Ref: 0036)

During this period of retrospection I haven't been idle.
I wanted to 'rationalise' (reduce) my bicycle collection, I'm now down to two, this is the one I built and my favourite.

The history of the building of this bicycle has been fully documented on this blog but, as time passes by, I realise it will probably never full fill the purpose it was designed for so I had a re-think and made some changes that make it more appropriate to my current two wheel needs.

Single speed, low geared, back-pedal brake, big comfy saddle and a new name:
The Green Bicycle nee' "The Dobson" (OSM Ind. Prod Ref: 0036)
Single speed, all y'need.
Hmmm... Handlebars.
Bouncy, bouncy.
For one reason and another I found myself riding this bicycle from Chichester to Bognor Regis at 2 a.m. this morning and decided it is officially complete and fit for purpose. 
I will now stop molesting it.