Tuesday 27 July 2010

This Other Eden.

The view from my shed is deeply pleasing this year.
All the hard work I put in during Jan/Feb/Mar has paid off in spades.

The only slight problem has been the bay tree which, like most others in the area, became blighted by an infestation of a scale insect.

My honeysuckle is the best it's ever been and smells wonderful.

And I've managed to grow strawberries!

O.K. So I've not managed to grow very many strawberries and woodlice ate one or two of them but, considering the fact that I don't remember planting strawberries, they've been a pleasant and tasty surprise.


Anonymous said...

Is that large shrub on the left hand side of the first picture, a fuschia? (If it is fuschia, the fruits are edible). They don't survive outside through the winter in the frozen north and I'm surprised yours did considering how bad last winter was. And it looks too big to have been overwintered indoors so does this main you have perfected that growth ray machine you were working on?


Parkingspaceman said...

He has, and, like the scientists in the movies, is now going try the growth ray on himself. Linda has taken a great interest in this next phase, and has made helpful and appropriate suggestions.

OutaSpaceMan said...


It is indeed a fuschia.
It seems to survive the winter quite well round here.
I've also got a fuschia boliviana in there somewhere.
I've seen most of the different varieties in the local area which, protected by the downs, has it's own micro-climate.

The first experiment with the growth ray machine ended with me shooting myself in the foot.