Monday 1 April 2013

The New Fish Tank.

The fish have needed a new home for much, much to long.
Their habitat infested with green goo that the filter couldn't cope with.

Linda saw a new and exciting fish life-stlye product called the Ultra-Bowl.
(I can't remember if it's the 450 or the 500).

There is scope for a good deal of trauma transferring the fish from their fetid green soup environment to their new space-age habitat.
Not least for the fish.

Linda began to fret a little about the procedure.
I, as ever, have a plan.

I get out of bed before Linda, fill the washing up bowl to about half-way with water from the green fetid soup tank, attempt to scoop a one of the fish into the tiny little net that came with the Ultra-Bowl.
This proves to be quite difficult.
Fish are tricky an' no mistake.

Some time passed...

Having caught Big Fish I lift him from the tank and pop the en-netted fish into the washing up bowl, stride, with purpose, toward the new bowl, and introduce the fish.

I did this three times and was about to transfer tiny fish when Linda got out of bed to find out what I was up to.
She insisted on moving tiny fish.

Some time passed...

All's well that ends well:
The water is clearing up nicely and the fish seem right at home.

There was one other thing: