Although I'm not convinced of it
I'm sure that I can hear the sound
Of someone buried underground
Whose broken nails
Are scratching on the lid
Maybe it's just only me
Maybe my imagination
But someone in the room above
Is singing a weird tune
To an accordion
I wish that I could make myself
Investigate the tapping noise
That I am sure is coming from
A cupboard I've not opened
For a thousand years
All these things begin to fit
Into a pattern only I can see
That all connects then spirals back on me
And the small world I exist in
I think
I might
Go outside
If anything outside is worse
It's dark and cold
And smells like something dead
That really should be burnt
Then scattered to the winds
To find it's fortune
It's hard for me to understand
The flashing lights and random words
Attached to every building in the street
That babble on at me
Even though I am invisible
This really was a big mistake
I'm frightened and start hallucinating
I see demons on each corner
And animals that I know don't exist
Because Noah wouldn't let them on the ark
It's difficult to know right now
If I would rather kneel in heaven
Or lie asleep in hell
Dreaming In a velvet realm
And blind.
(Y'just can't get acid like that nowadays...)
Wonderful poem. I say acid is better now.
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