Saturday 20 March 2010


I like going to art galleries...
My mate Rog, he's exhibited at the Royal Academy y'know, wanted to visit the Pallant House Gallery in Chichester (about 6 miles away from where I live....) and I've been wanting to visit every since it opened...

Traipsing around after Rog is handy, it means I can ask lots of stupid questions about what I see without feeling as foolish as I do when I have to ask gallery staff...
My favourite works are, generally, sketches. I like to see the what lies underneath...
I spent several minutes closely examining a sketch (Rog did say that is was by one of the best draftsmen in the world but I've forgotten the name...) when I began to see how elegantly simple the lines were and suddenly found myself captivated by the drawing...
It was only when I noticed one of the young female staff staring at me, that I realised I'd been gawping at a the bottom of a rather large lady...
We pressed on...
Here, in no particular order and what was available as post-cards in the gift shop, are the pieces I liked:
Four Boats by a Lighthouse. Gouache on Wood. Alfred Wallis 1855-1942
Heron Watching. Collage. Mark Hearld.
Harbour, from the 'Schools Prints'. Lithograph on paper. Julian Trevelyan 1910-1988
Messenger. Oil, tempera, sand and pencil on gesso-prepared board, with incised lines.
John Tunnard 1900-1971
Reguarding Guardians II. Painted Bronze. Dhruva Mistry. 1957-

Whenever I come away from an art gallery I always find I have one image stuck forever in my mind...
This time it was 'Crumpled' by Paula Rego:

If I wanted to see the same quality of work that's on show at Pallant House I'd have to travel to London so I'm very lucky to have this place so close at hand...