I had an immense respect for Mr. Grundy and not just because he wore a beret...
During his first lecture he drew a chalk line on the board and, putting a mark on the line at about a quarter of it's length, said to the class "you have been alive for this long" he then put a mark near the end of the line, "I have been alive for this long and that is why you should be quiet and pay attention to me..."
From that moment on I became convinced he was a genius...
Once, on handing back homework, he threw my book at me saying "you have an amazing vocabulary, sadly you can spell non of it..."
I'm not proud of my inability to spell. It makes me feel even worse when I consider the spell-check facilities on my computer to be some form of prosthetic attachment...
It's surprising then that I noticed this mistake on a sign at Hollycombe Steam Collection:
I didn't notice it at the time the picture was taken. I noticed it when I began making a copy of it...
I knew there was something wrong with it but couldn't for the life of me spot what it was...
As I was adding the text to my picture the spell-checker spotted it though:
I was tempted to contact Hollycombe and let them know but suspected I'd come over as some kind of smug git with far to much time on my hands...
I'm feeling eyeball-vibrating panic right now because I cannot see what is wrong with either sign.
I'm feeling eyeball-vibrating panic right now because I cannot see what is wrong with either sign.
haha i've never noticed that before, and I've been going there nearly every weekend for the past 5 years. am gunna point that out next week :L
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