I love the Shipping Forecast, the comforting strains of Ronald Binge's (fantastic name!) 'Sailing By' followed by the mantra-like intoning of the forecast it's self (non of which I understand)...
It's sort of like 'putting the country to bed'...
I then rest easy in the dark night...
'You don't have a dish washer..?' Is a comment I often hear at the fashionable cocktail parties I'm always getting invited to...
'No I bloody don't' is my happy, an somewhat smug, reply...
Washing up is the one opportunity I have to impose my innate control freakery on inanimate objects...
I'm invariably left alone to get on with it...
I notice my tea towel is out of date as Finisterre (not shown in picture) is now named FitzRoy...
All things must pass I suppose...
You can buy your own Sea Area Tea Towel here:
Buy the Sea