Friday 11 February 2011

This Is For...

This is for
Any observer who,
Having observed what they observed,
Observed to be less observant
In the future.

This is for
Whoever invented the light-bulb
That, having been switched on,
Made the room darker.
Do not engender darkness

This is for
Anyone who ever uses the phrase
"I used to be..."

Let me tell you...

I used to be the Emperor of the Universe.
I lived in a golden palace on Mars.
I sat on a throne made from 
The bones of the enemies 
I had slain in battles across the surfaces
Of one hundred different planets.

(I ate the rest of them...)

When I arose from my throne of bones
One million Heros of the Cosmos
Prostrated themselves before me
And wept bitter tears.

When I arose from my throne of bones
Six million Venusian Lizard Women 
Fell to their knees wailing
"You are The One and Only One and we will die for you"

But right now.
Right here and now
What I am
Is a minimum wage slave
In the belly of the Black Rubber Beelzebub
Who lives in a big metal tower 
In the kingdom of soil.
While his agent,
The Underground Pig Detector,
Roams abroad in this land.


He washed the cards! said...

Yes, the Sauerkraut Poet has been watching your works, from the frozen north, with much interest.

-- E

The City Folk Club said...

Now look here ...

Some say it was Swan,
Others argue Edison created incandescence,
Verily, I say unto you,
Blessed St. Anley brought us luminescence!


Wartime Housewife said...

I declare you to be the Blog Laureate and I demand that you be recognised.