Wednesday 30 June 2010

Wartime Housewife (sigh...)

I have become entranced by the thoroughly sensible Wartime Housewife and her splendid blog here
So much so that I have made up a poster, in the current popular style, featuring some of her wisdom:

Chin Up And Best Foot Forward!

There now, that should make the world a better place and no mistake.


Wartime Housewife said...

I absolutely love this - Thanks OSMB52. As it happens, there will be developments in the WH Shelter soon and I may wish to discuss this with you further...

OutaSpaceMan said...

Thank you very much WTH.
I'm chuffed that you like it.

Truth to tell I can do better.
This one was done in a bit of a hurry.

O.S.M. B:52