Tuesday 24 August 2010

Kazoo & Henry.

Does vacumming bore you?
Why not buy yourself a kazoo and buzz along with your sucky household gadget:

  Kazoo & Henry by Outa_Spaceman


Oldfool said...

Beautiful. I never thought of using the vacuum as a drone when playing the kazoo. My wife looks for a rope to hang herself when she hears a vacuum. The addition of my kazoo might put her over the edge so I must be careful. A suicide would be untidy at the least.
I need a nap now. Where are my drugs?

OutaSpaceMan said...

Thanks for that.
My next recording will be a kazoo accompaniment to the air-con unit at the back of the Iceland supermarket in Bognor.

Air-con units tend to have a more ethereal quality about them.

Parkingspaceman said...

I've made this my mobile ring-tone.

Wartime Housewife said...

I have never thought of using a kazoo but I sing along to my vacuum on the rare occasions when it's wheeled out. I try to make up tunes which complement the drone and one can even do the bit in Vivaldi's Four Seasons where the viola tries to mimic the drone of rustic bagpipes. Rock on.