Wednesday 8 December 2010

How To Do A Silly Thing No 01: Madonna's Hand.

I have collected quite a few odds and ends in my charity-shop-wheelie-bin-diving.
And I do mean 'odds' and 'ends'.
Very rarely do I end up with a complete set of anything.

Today I found a plastic imitation severed forearm/ hand that pulled several odds and ends into a whole new odd end.
I added a black lace glove, two rings and a plastic spiked bracelet.
I have decided to call this creation 'The Hand Of Madonna' (circ 1984)

I found a suitable town centre spot...
..where I 'dropped' the counterfeit limb.
Hee, hee! I love doing stupid stuff then running away!!!


Wartime Housewife said...

We found a box of limbs outside a ladies' dress shop some years ago. The boys had enormous fun with them for ages. When we moved house, we took a pair of hands and buried them up to the wrist in the woods with just the fingers poking out of the leaf litter. How I wish we'd been there to see the face of the person who found them.