Saturday, 28 September 2013

The Answer's in 'The Works'

As a coda to our adventures in the North Linda and I visited the discount book/art-materials outlet The Works:

Just to compare and contrast between what's available in the Harrogate store and the stock on offer in the Bognor branch you understand.

Very little it turns out, the Harrogate branch just has more of it.

I'm attracted to any book featuring a robot on the cover.
This caught my eye:

Having been given some very sound advice from a philosophy graduate I've stopped trying to unravel the mysteries, or otherwise, of existence and am striving to do something more useful with my life but, I found myself thinking "the question posed by the title of this book suggests that it is understood what being 'human' is'.

I'd plenty of time to consider this conundrum as Linda was hunting the shop for a fountain pen.

I shuffled across the shop floor and, on scanning the shelf directly in front of me, saw this:

I wonder why The Works don't bundle these titles as a twofer?