Monday, 22 July 2013

The Condition: Jazz Ukulele Indicator II.

Despite a morsel of doubt during the earlier part of today I believe my recent relapse is over.
There was a false 'end of replase' dawn here: The Condition: Yorkshire Steel in the Hour of Chaos.
I mistook a couple of, relatively 'good' days for the final stage before normality.
I made a mistake.

I won't go in to the day-by-day drudgery of the past few weeks outside of pointing out I worked on two major week-long events.
My plan, such as I had one, was to carry on as near normal as was possible.
It was hard work.

In retrospect it probably wasn't such a good idea to attend the MS Soc. meeting.
I wasn't really ready for what I encountered and it fed into one of the other problems of relapse.
I hadn't realised depression came with the package.
So, the major difficulties this last relapse presented me were dealing with a combination of the relapse itself, the recent hot weather, and, what I assume was, relapse induced depression.

I have a tendency to morbid speculation at the best of times but the relapse down was a whole new world of glum.
What causes what is a puzzle.
Is depression inevitable during relapse?
Do the physical symptoms trigger the depression?

I may never know I'm just glad it's over... for now.

 Linda re-filmed the MS Ukulele Jazz Indicator II as a companion piece to the posting:
The Condition: Ukulele Jazz Indicator.
To me it seemed the best way to compare the relapsed and post-relapse SpaceMan.

This time I chose to play Rhythm Changes which is based on Gershwin's 'I Got Rhythm'.
It's 32 bars long and has, more or less, two chord changes per bar
I may not actually look very different from one film to the other, but I can tell there's a whole world of difference.

I'm not so keen on being the leading male in the first film again anytime soon. 


Laurent said...

Yes, that definitely is a big difference. I hope your playing will be up to scratch soon again.