Sunday, 23 June 2013

A Birthday Treat.

Linda became a qualified chain-saw person not so long ago.
I thought it might be nice to buy her a chain-saw for her birthday.
(that would have made a good blog post)

I am not a fool.

I asked Linda if she would actually appreciate the gift of a chain-saw in recognition of reaching the beginning of a new year.

Linda didn't want a chain-saw for her birthday.
Linda want'ed a day out in Brighton for her birthday.

Linda had an itinerary:
Rise early.
Drive to Brighton ETA 09:00 ish.
Park in Churchill Square Car Park (6hrs. = £10.00)
Go to Primark.
Return to car, deposit shopping.
Go to North Lanes.
Go to Brighton Sea Life Centre.

We can visit a shop with ukuleles in it as well if I'd like.

The Condition has not abated.
My 'get-up-and-go' is still 'got-up-and-went'.

So, just what am I capable of doing?
One way to find out.

We made the car park in Brighton by 09:35.
We went for coffee.
We sat on the window stools.
I noticed something and took a picture of it:
Linda went to PRIMARK:
I am sent upstairs to the Menswear Dept.
We will meet again in 20 mins.

I have a question.
Why is the Lingerie Dept next to the Menswear Dept.
They are only two departments on this floor.
I noticed I was the only male shopper in the Menswear Dept.
I looked around at the clothes and decided I wouldn't shop here, though I suspect Linda might be tempted to buy things here for me.
Then I remembered I needed socks.

I went to the sock bit.
5 pairs of black socks (they're for work) size 9-12.
My feet are size 13.

I go to stand in the queue to pay.
The woman ahead of me notices the socks.
"Where are those?"
I point in the general direction.
"I couldn't find the socks".
She moves to head for the sock bit.
"Here, take these" I said, "I'll go get another pack".

This didn't seem strange to me.
But the woman seemed to be in shock.
"Are you sure?"
I gave her the socks and started stumbling toward the sock bit again.
Then I remembered the size issue.
"Are those the right size?" I asked.
She looked.
No they weren't.
She needed the next size down.

I went to the sock bit.
The next size down rack was empty.
I went back to report.
The queue was exactly the same as it was when I left it.

Linda reappeared.
She'd had shopping failure and couldn't find anything she wanted to buy.
We strode on to the North Lanes.
Linda's shopping failure continued.
We went to eat:
I don't like cola BTW, but it came with the meal.
This is the best burger place ever:
We continued to visit galleries of shiny, expensive, useless gimcrack and the shopping failure persisted.

Health Report:
Throughout all this, although I found it difficult to move and wobbled when I did, I never felt in any kind of 'difficulty'.

We ran out of time and couldn't visit the Sea Life Centre.
We'd had the best day ever!